Our poster session will take place on a custom-built gather.town workspace, where you can wander around, and interact with individual posters and poster presenters. By logging onto the gather.town Spaces for NAM2021, you agree to our code of conduct for all activity on these Spaces.
For All Attendees
When you first sign in to gather.town, please set your name to your full name. "Anonymous" attendees will be politely asked to rename themselves and may be removed from the platform on continued non-compliance.
On gather.town, posters are embedded into interactive objects, which are sorted and grouped into one of eight rooms (four rooms each in two Spaces) alphabetically by a unique letter+number identified (aka Gather ID; e.g. ABXX or ABCXX). Links to the two Spaces are available on this page (titled Lobby A and Lobby B): https://nam2021.org/posters
Here are maps of the lobbies of each Space:
Poster rooms are linked off the top of each Lobby.
An LGBTQ+ networking area and the EPO booth are located in Lobby B.
These spaces will be live throughout the conference, but full capacity attendance is only enabled during the poster session (Thursday 22nd July at 11:00-13:00 BST). You are welcome to browse posters outside of these hours, but note that we cannot guarantee access outside of the scheduled hours due to server capacity limits. During the session, it is possible for one Space to fill up first, so if you are unable to connect, we recommend heading over to the other Space.
During the poster session, feel free to walk around, view posters, and network with other delegates. We've added several fun hidden interactable objects around the lobbies as "easter eggs", so feel free to explore the space! If you have not used gather.town before, you can watch this intro video tutorial beforehand. After the poster session, you are welcome to continue discussions on Slack. Posters are listed their own threads within their assigned sessions (see "Where on Slack should I post my comment about a particular talk or poster?" in the Slack FAQ).
The full list of posters is available on the RAS NAM 2021 poster website, where it will live in perpetuity. The list can be searched using author names, filtered by Session short-titles, and sorted by Author Name or Gather ID.
If you have any trouble with gather.town, please walk up to a NAMbassador live for help or post a note in the #helpdesk channel on Slack.
For Poster Presenters
We recommend that you log onto Gather as soon as possible and locate your poster and check that everything is in order. If you identify any issues with your poster, please contact us using the #helpdesk channel on Slack.